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Tab specifier argument

Several functions in the ACtl API receive a tabSpec argument. The purpose of this argument is to specify one or more tabs for a function to work with.
The argument's data type is defined recursively as follows:
TabSpec  =   Tab ID  |  Filter Object  |  Preset tab-selection  |  Custom tab-selection  |  Array of TabSpec

Tab ID Type: number A tab ID is a non-zero integer number that uniquely identifes a tab.
The ACtl.TAB_ID constant gives the ID of the tab the script is running in.
The ACtl.getTabIds function gives the IDs of any tab or set of tabs.
Filter object Type: Object An object with only one of the following properties: not Type: TabSpec One or more tabs to filter out. i.e. all tabs not specified here will be included. sameWinAs Type: TabSpec It includes all tabs that are in the same window (or windows) as the specified tabs. Preset tab-selection Type: string Any of the following strings, all of which start with the # character.
Tab-selections represent an ordered list of tabs. This order is usually the same as in their containing window (from left to right), unless otherwise noted.
#targetTabs The tabs given to the Run script action by the Apply to select box or by the previous action in the chain

#currentTab The active tab in the most recently focused window
#newestTab The tab that was opened most recently
#openerTab The tab that opened the #currentTab (if any)

#prevUsedTab The previously used tab in the current window
#prevUsedTabAnyWin The previously used tab in whichever window that tab is
#nextUsedTab The tab used after the current tab in the current window
#nextUsedTabAnyWin The tab used after the current tab in whichever window that tab is

#activeTabs All active tabs (one per window)
#selectedTabs All selected tabs in the current window
#hoveredTabs The tab or tabs the mouse is hovering over
#pinnedTabs All pinned tabs in the current window
#audibleTabs All audible tabs on any window
#nonMinimTabs All tabs that are in non-minimized windows

#leftTab The tab to the left of the #currentTab
#leftTabWrap The tab to the left of the #currentTab with wrap-around
#allLeftTabs All tabs to the left of the #currentTab
#leftmostTab The left-most tab in the current window

#rightTab The tab to the right of the #currentTab
#rightTabWrap The tab to the right of the #currentTab with wrap-around
#allRightTabs All tabs to the right of the #currentTab
#rightmostTab The right-most tab in the current window

#otherTabs All tabs in the current window except the active tab
#otherTabsAllWins All tabs in all windows except the current tab
#currWinTabs All tabs in the current window
#mruTabs All tabs in the current window in MRU order
#mruTabsAllWins All tabs in all windows in MRU order
#allTabs All tabs from left to right in all windows from oldest to newest
Custom tab-selection Type: string
The name of any of the custom tab selections defined by the user.
The name matching is done ignoring letter case and redundant white spaces.
Array of TabSpec Type: Array An array containing one or more TabSpec values. The resulting tab set will be the union of all tab specifiers in the array.
Example: [ ACtl.TAB_ID, '#newestTab', {not:'#selectedTabs'} ]
This gives the tab the script is running in plus the newest tab plus all tabs that are not selected.


Pin the tab the script is running in.

	ACtl.setTabState( ACtl.TAB_ID, 'pinned' ) ;

Open a URL in the tab to the left.

	ACtl.openURL('', '#leftTab') ;

Mute all tabs that are not pinned.

	ACtl.setTabState( {not:'#pinnedTabs'}, 'muted') ;

Get the IDs of the current tab plus all tabs that are not in the current window.

	let tabIds = await ACtl.getTabIds( ['#currentTab', {not:'#currWinTabs'}] ) ;
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