#targetTabs | The tabs given to the Run script action by the Apply to select box or by the previous action in the chain
#currentTab | The active tab in the most recently focused window
#newestTab | The tab that was opened most recently
#openerTab | The tab that opened the #currentTab (if any)
#prevUsedTab | The previously used tab in the current window
#prevUsedTabAnyWin | The previously used tab in whichever window that tab is
#nextUsedTab | The tab used after the current tab in the current window
#nextUsedTabAnyWin | The tab used after the current tab in whichever window that tab is
#activeTabs | All active tabs (one per window)
#selectedTabs | All selected tabs in the current window
#hoveredTabs | The tab or tabs the mouse is hovering over
#pinnedTabs | All pinned tabs in the current window
#audibleTabs | All audible tabs on any window
#nonMinimTabs | All tabs that are in non-minimized windows
#leftTab | The tab to the left of the #currentTab
#leftTabWrap | The tab to the left of the #currentTab with wrap-around
#allLeftTabs | All tabs to the left of the #currentTab
#leftmostTab | The left-most tab in the current window
#rightTab | The tab to the right of the #currentTab
#rightTabWrap | The tab to the right of the #currentTab with wrap-around
#allRightTabs | All tabs to the right of the #currentTab
#rightmostTab | The right-most tab in the current window
#otherTabs | All tabs in the current window except the active tab
#otherTabsAllWins | All tabs in all windows except the current tab
#currWinTabs | All tabs in the current window
#mruTabs | All tabs in the current window in MRU order
#mruTabsAllWins | All tabs in all windows in MRU order
#allTabs | All tabs from left to right in all windows from oldest to newest