Gets the clipboard content in various formats or tells the type of content the clipboard contains.
If no argument is passed, the clipboard content is retrieved.
ACtl.getClipboard() Returns Type: Promise
Returns immediately. The Promise will resolve with the clipboard content. The resolved type depends on the type of content in the clipboard.
If clipboard contains... | The resolved value will be...
Plain text or Rich Text Format | A string of plain text.
Hypertext (HTML) | A DocumentFragment object.
Files | An Array of file system paths.
Image | An HTMLCanvasElement.
Anything else | An empty string.
If the string 'format' is passed as the only argument, the function tells what type of content there is in the clipboard.
ACtl.getClipboard('format') Returns Type: Promise Resolves to: string
Returns immediately. The Promise will resolve with a string representing the type of content in the clipboard.
If clipboard contains... | The resolved string will be...
Plain text or Rich Text Format | 'text'
Hypertext (HTML) | 'html'
Files | 'files'
Image | 'image'
Anything else | 'unknown'
If the string 'text' is passed as the only argument, the clipboard content is retrieved as plain text.
ACtl.getClipboard('text') Returns Type: Promise Resolves to: string
Returns immediately. The Promise will resolve with the clipboard content converted to plain text.
Any rich formatting or hypertext formatting is removed.
If the content cannot be converted to text, an empty string is returned.
If anything else is passed as argument, the function will interpret that as an image format, in which case the clipboard is expected to contain image data.
ACtl.getClipboard(imageFormat[,returnType]) imageFormat Type: string
How to encode the image data in the clipboard. It can be any of 'png', 'jpg' or 'webp'.
Don't confuse "encode" with "decode". Clipboard images are not encoded in any format, they are raw pixels.
This argument is for getting the image data in the desired file format (i.e. for "encoding").
returnType Type: string Default: 'binary'
How to return the encoded image data:
Returns Type: Promise Resolves to: string | Object
Returns immediately. The Promise will resolve with the image data encoded as imageFormat.
The binary data will be given as specified by returnType.
If the clipboard doesn't contain image data, an empty string is returned.
Throws Type: string
Error description if imageFormat is not a valid format or if returnType is not a valid return type.
Take the image in the clipboard and save it to a PNG file.
//Get the clipboard image as a PNG-encoded binary string
let pngData = await ACtl.getClipboard('png') ;
//Save the binary string to a PNG file as is
ACtl.saveFile('<desktop>/new-image.png', pngData) ;
Read the file that was copied to the clipboard.
//Get the current clipboard format
let clipFormat = await ACtl.getClipboard('format') ;
//If there are no files in the clipboard
if( clipFormat != 'files' )
//Finish the script
return alert("There are no files in the clipboard.") ;
//Else, get the first file in the clipboard
let [filePath] = await ACtl.getClipboard() ;
//Read the file's content as text
let fileContent = await ACtl.getFile(filePath) ;
//Show off what we've got
alert('The first 50 characters in the file are:\n' + fileContent.slice(0,50) );
Take the image in the clipboard and insert it into a webpage.
//Get the clipboard image as an <img> element
let imageElem = await ACtl.getClipboard('jpg', 'image') ;
//Add some CSS styles to the image = 'position: fixed; top: 10px; left: 10px' ;
//Insert the image into the page the script is running in
document.body.appendChild( imageElem ) ;
Get the hypertext in the clipboard, count the number of links in it and find out which page it was copied from.
//Get the clipboard content
let htmlFragment = await ACtl.getClipboard() ;
//If the content is a DocumentFragment
if( htmlFragment instanceof DocumentFragment ){
//Count the number of links
let linkCount = htmlFragment.querySelectorAll('a[href]').length ;
//Show the link count, the URL it was copied from, etc.
The hypertext contains ${linkCount} links.
It was copied from:\n ${htmlFragment.sourceURL} \n
The unformatted text is:\n ${htmlFragment.textContent} \n
And the full HTML code is:\n ${htmlFragment.innerHTML}
`) ;
alert("There's no hypertext in the clipboard.") ;
Notice the use of the properties .sourceURL and .innerHTML above.
These are special properties of the DocumentFragment object returned only by ACtl.getClipboard.